New! Animal Osteopathy with Nick White. Click here for Animal Osteopathy website.
Nick has spent the last academic year studying for a Post Graduate Certificate in Animal Osteopathy; so he can now treat horses and dogs, “I have always loved animals: particularly horses for their grace and beauty and dogs for their loyalty and character. To be able to help alleviate discomfort and improve performance is a real privilege”.
Animal Osteopathic appointments can be made for home / stable visits or at our clinic in Slimbridge. Please phone 01453 832515 to arrange an appointment.
Please note that Nick will still be based at The White Practice in Market Street and that there is no change to when he will be available for human osteopathic appointments.
Nick has spent the last academic year studying for a Post Graduate Certificate in Animal Osteopathy; so he can now treat horses and dogs, “I have always loved animals: particularly horses for their grace and beauty and dogs for their loyalty and character. To be able to help alleviate discomfort and improve performance is a real privilege”.
Animal Osteopathic appointments can be made for home / stable visits or at our clinic in Slimbridge. Please phone 01453 832515 to arrange an appointment.
Please note that Nick will still be based at The White Practice in Market Street and that there is no change to when he will be available for human osteopathic appointments.